Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 30 ChemThink in class

In the class of September 30 we met in the science computer lab. We worked on two ChemThink's. One was entitled Atomic structure, and the other Ions. Like always you log on and read the tutorial before doing the questions related to it to be able to answer them best. Below are some notes that I found helpful for the ChemThink questions.

Atomic Structure
  • Proton
  1. +1 charge
  2. Heavy mass
  3. Inside nucleus
  4. Determines identity of atom by the atomic number
  • Electron
  1. -1 charge
  2. Virtually 0 mass
  3. Outside of nucleus
  4. Responsible for reactivity
  5. Constantly in motion
  • Neutron
  1. 0 charge
  2. Heavy mass
  3. Inside nucleus
  4. Holds together nucleus
Atomic number=The number of protons found on the periodic table
Neutral atoms= Same number of electrons as protons

Ions- individual atoms or groups of atoms that have a charge
  1. Ions are formed when, at certain times, atoms gain or lose one or more electrons.
  2. (-) ions can only be formed by gaining electrons.
  3. (+) ions can only be formed by losing electrons.
  4. Protons are never gained or lost when ions are being formed.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Black Box Lab

Today as we walked into class we picked up 25 pieces of paper which we will be using for most of our new unit. However we did not use any of them. If you didn't finish the lab test retake then you had ten minutes to finish up but if you were done you began on the Black Box Lab.

In the black box lab, Mrs. M had set up 12 black obsertainers that each had it's own unique design on the inside. Each obsertainer had a metal ball bearing in it and you had to figure out what each obsertainer looked like on the inside by the moving it around and listening to how the ball bearing moved inside of it. After you had finished recording you results, we were told to start a work sheet we were giving about the scientists who discovered the atom and it's many purposes. You were supposed to have at least finished the section about Dalton by the end of the period.

The only homework for the night is the webassign which will be due at the end of the unit.

-Greer J.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lab Test Take Two

    As we walked into class today we picked up four pages to put into our notebooks. The first two were all about Unit Two: Atomic Structure. It had the Unit 2 Objectives and Schedule on them. The second two pages were a "Black Box Lab" which we did not get to today. 

   After the class got settled Mrs. M handed back tests. The class average was around 83%, good job everybody! We went over the tests and handed them back to Mrs. M. You can come in and see them before finals if you would like. Other than that, they're Mrs. M's to keep. We were also given grade sheets today. All grades besides the lab test were on there.

   Our lab tests didn't turn out quite so well. In fact, we re-did the write up today in class. Nobody got a grade on the original sheet we handed in. Instead, we filled out a new packet using the calculations from our original lab. If you didn't finish in class today you should have put a star on your paper and you will be given about 10 minutes tomorrow to do it in class. Hopefully things go better this time!
  If you missed the Chem day on Friday Mrs. M will assign you problems to do from the book to make up for it. If you would rather look up the episode (helium footballs and catching a bullet in your teeth) online and take notes, that will also be accepted. 

-Molly C.-


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To float or Not to float? Or sink less than 3 seconds

If an irregular object floats on water, we can immediately conclude that it is less dense than the water. Yesterday we had a lab where we must make an irregular object sink as slow as possible. It was a hard thing to do for we have to go through a calculation that most or some of us were having trouble with. Thank goodness our irregular object was sinking for 1.2 seconds. .2 longer than I predicted. I was amazed to what I have seen. Tomorrow we will have a Written Test. REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR JOURNAL TOMORROW. She will collect our journal and hand it out during or after class.

Chemistry Basics Review

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When I first walked into the classroom today, Mrs. Mandarino began in the usual manner of stamping homework, and she began with the review in the journal, of course. Mrs. Mandarino demonstrated us the correct ways to draw molecular and pure compounds, even in the cases of before and after a chemical change. We went over physical and chemical changes, and we even reviewed a handy helping of density equations. The unit conversions took a while to get through, but it all managed to come together when we did sig figs and scientific notation. We even got through precise measurement. Overall, today was not the most interesting of days by far, but it really managed to help a lot of people who were struggling with certain types of problems. A simple review day, to say the least. But at the very last moments of class, the teacher described the contents of the written lab we had to do on Thursday. Apparently, we were each assigned a partner for a glass vial lab. We had to fill a glass vial with sufficient amounts of gravel in order to sink to the bottom slowly, but not float. And there is no homework, aside from studying for the big lab test tomorrow. Durrr!

Dragomir O.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Yesterday in class, the first thing that happened was Mrs. M doling out a healthy dose of admonishment for the neglect in lab hygiene and safety on the parts of periods 5 and 8.  Mrs. M then called us all up to the front of the room to stamp the labs we did on Friday.   I think that we then went over pages 16 and 17, but I'm not sure.   Mrs. M was handed out a review sheet for chapters 1 and 2, and passing back the quizzes that we took on some previous occasion.  We then discussed the upcoming "Sinker Project" that is to be carried out on Wednesday.  We will each be assigned one partner to work on this project.  A graduated cylinder, a vial, and some pebbles will be provided to each pairing, with the goal to made the vial sink as slowly as possible in water.  Bear in mind that water has a density of 1g/cm^3.  I think that we might have done some other things, and I'm not sure if any homework was assigned, but I sure hope there wasn't.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

9/16/10 Physical/Chemical Properties and Changes

In chemistry class today, we first got page 17 and the physical and chemical stations sheets to put inside our journals. Right after we finished taping in the sheets of papers that we had received, Mrs. M started on page 13 of our journals. We learned about substances and compounds and atoms. We also learned a way to memorize Diatomic elements: HONCl BrIF. Which means, H2, O2, N2, Cl2, Br2, I2, F2. After we moved on page 14 and we learned all about pure substances, pure substances are substances that only contain one kind of manner. Then we moved onto page 15. We learned how to right formulas and to draw out formulas of what the page told us to do, and right a description of it. After page 15, we took notes on Physical Properties, Chemical Properties, Physical Changes and Chemical Changes.

Physical Properties
  • characteristics you can observe (descriptive)
  • use your senses
  1. color
  2. size
  3. shape
  4. texture
  5. state
  6. odor/smell
Chemical Properties
  • the way a substance will behave
  1. flammable
  2. combustible
Physical Change - do not permanently change the substance
  • tearing
  • crushing
  • bending
  • dissolving
  • state changes --->solid--->liquid--->gas
  • melting
Chemical Change - substance is permanently changed
  • digestion
  • burning
  • rusting
Evidence that chemical change has occured
  • color change
  • odor change
  • production of heat
  • production of gas
  • sound and light show

  • bonds break, atoms rearrange, new bonds form
The homework is to finish page 16 in your journal and do the webassign and chemthink

-Taso K

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Scribe post Sept 15

Today in Chemistry Mrs. M had us go into the math lab and read the scribe post. When in the math labe we worked on signing into Chemthink, if you have not done so already. After creating a profile or singing into Chemthink Mrs. M had us read and take notes on a tutorial on atoms, molecules, compounds, and other basic units. We also learned the molecular and atomic structure of solids, liquids, and gas in the tutorial. To find this tutorial go on Chemthink, sign in, and on the left hand side there will be a box saying Tutorial. This tutorial is very, very helpful expecially when Mrs. M told us to take a ten question quiz, and if you get more than three wrong then you have to start over, which is also found on Chemthink. Despite it sounding very easy, in reality it was more than difficult for most people and they had to take the test many times. There is no limit on how many times you can take the test but if you keep failing she encouraged us to re-read the tutorial.

Atom: Most basic unit of matter
Molecule: A group fo atoms held by a chemical bond
Element: A substance made out of one type of atom
Compound: Two different types of atoms present in the same molecule
Solid: Atoms vibrate but are not free moving
Liquid:Atoms are free floating and are close together.
Gas: Very fast free flating atoms
(These are just general definitions, to learn more go to the tutorial on Chemthink)

More Conversion Factors...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Today we all started out the class by checking last nights homework which was page 12. Since most of the class was still a bit shaky on conversions we went over the rest of page 11 (which was homework due yesterday). Mrs. Mandarino had a few kids go up to the computer and solve a few after she went over one. Since the classes were shortened today, we did not have as much time to do much else. We did start page 13 in our journals. We defined what atoms, molecules, elements and compounds were.

The homework for tonight is Check page 12 on moodle and work on webassigns.

Max S.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Conversions and Dimensional Analysis

Monday September 13, 2010

We started off class today by going over the scribe post. We then took our quiz which was on metrics, sig figs, and density. There was an extra credit question on the quiz in which we were supposed to measure a note card and a post-it and read two graduated cylinders. If anyone was not able to finish the question Mrs. Mandarino will allow you to do it tomorrow while she is teaching the rest of the class. After finishing the quiz, we went over the homework which was page 11 from our journals. The homework was about unit conversion & dimensional analysis which was confusing for many of the students. We went over the first 6 questions from the homework and still need to complete the final 6 questions. In the example below we were working with mass, so we had to figure out which units could convert tons into kilograms.

Ex. Convert 0.00534 ton   to   kg
In order to convert tons to kilograms.
  • We had to find the different units that could allow us to convert tons to kilograms.
  • We knew by looking at the conversion chart that there are 2000 lb in every ton.
  • From there we saw that there are 453.6 g in every pound.
  • This allowed us to have this equation
    • 0.00534 ton  x  2000 lb  x   1 kg    
    •                           1 ton       2.205 lb
  • By looking at the equation we were able to see that the tons and pounds canceled out. This left us with only the kilogram as our single unit.
    • 0.00534 ton  x  2000 lb  x    1 kg         
    •                           1 ton       2.205 lb
  • Now all that was left to do was to multiply all the numerators and divide that by the product of the denominators.
    • (0.00534 x 2000 x 1) = 4.8435374
    •         (1 x 2.205)
  • Finally we knew that we had to change the final answer into 3 sig figs, because the initial amount of 0.00534 had 3 sig figs. The final answer was 4.84 kg

*Remember to show all your work in order to receive full credit.

Shivam P.

Worksheet page 12

Sunday, September 12, 2010

More Density and Conversion Factors

Friday , September 10, 2010

Today we started class by reading the scibe post.  We found that we needed to review density a bit more.  Therefore Mrs. M went over the homework really thoroughly.  We found that we have to read the questions carefully to determine what the question is and what is the given information. Sometimes it helps if we list out our information.
Mrs. M showed us how the density of a mehane bubble is less dense than air. Before it reached the ceiling, Matt lit it on fire like the the college students in the below picture:

** NOTICE THAT THEY ARE NOT USING PROPER LAB SAFETY. Can you see what they are doing wrong?
Next, we began conversion factors.  We saw that when we are changing or converting one unit into another unit, we must be careful to place the values in the appropriate spots so that we can cancel out the unit that is not wanted.  For example,  when converting 127.5 inches into meters, notice the placement of the units.

127.5 in   x    2.54 cm   x      1 m       =  3.24 m
                        1 in            100. cm

We will work on conversion factors on Monday as well.

Worksheet p.11
Study for quiz on Metrics, Sig Figs, and Density

Friday, September 10, 2010


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

  • Today we turned in our formal labs for the Alka Seltzer part 3.
  • We then continued our discussion on scientific notation and density.  On our homework, we saw that object 1 data was for a regular shaped object so we used length x width x height to determine the volume.  Object 2 was a irregular shaped object so the data reflected a volume determined by water displacement.
  • We then completed the first two sections of the density lab.  Below are the objects we were given:

  • Remembering what we learned in the homework, we used L x W x H to determine the volume of the regular shaped object.
  • We will finish the last part of the lab on Friday.
Continue working on webassigns.  Not many people have started - Do not wait until the last minute!
Finish worksheet p. 8

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sig. Figs., Scientific Notation, & Density

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Today in chemistry, we again braved the confusing world of significant figures. We learned new rules for adding them together, multiplying them, subtracting them, and how could we forget dividing them? Then, after that we learned how to put numbers into scientific notation form. Many others, including myself, were very confused with this process! Mrs. M reminded us:

Just remember when zeros are not significant:
0.00367  these are place holders
400   there is no decimal point so the zeros are not significant

Ms. Mandarino reminded us before we left that the homework was number 2 on pages 5 and 6 and that we will being doing number 1 on page 6 tomorrow in class. She also reminded us that our formal lab write ups are due tomorrow and if you are not turning it in through google doc, you need to bring it in printed out. The ol’ fashion way!

Mike B.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Metrics and Significant Figures

Friday, September 3, 2010

Today in class we received pages 7,8 & 9 to add into our composition books and discussed the homework, pages 1 and 2 in our notebooks

The next thing we did in is learn the sig fig rules

ex. zeros between non-zero digits are aways significant 3.108 is 4 sig figs

we then learned rouding sig figs
 ex. rounding to 4 sig figs - 12,345,670 would be 1235000

Emily F.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Metric System and Technology Accounts

September 2, 2010

Today in class we covered a decent amount.

Mrs. Mandarino started class by explaining Moodle to enhance our knowledge regarding it. Please use this as our home base. This page contains all of the necessary information on notes, assignments, labs, calendars, and homework. It also provides us with the necessary links for webassign, chemthink, etc.

After, we took notes about the Metric System (SI), and learned how it exactly functions.

  • We learned that this is a base 10 metric system used all over the world.
  • We can add prefixes to the base units. See notes for proper prefixes.
  • We must measure correctly to get proper data. ie: always measure at the miniscus and always measure one value past the last marked value - make sure to notice the smallest markings on the lab equipment. This will improve accuracy and precision (significant digits).

Later on the projector we looked at graduated cylinders with liquid inside, and practiced measuring it, we also looked over the measurement lab which should now be finished.

In the final minutes of class we looked at how to sign in to WebAssign and ChemThink

Compliments of period 8

Safety and Lab Techniques

September 1, 2010
Today, we started off class by grabbing six half sheets of paper to tape into our composition notebooks. Then, as we all sat in our seats, Mrs. M read Grace's scribe and assigned the homework which was to finish the lab techniques and safety equipment half sheets.

After we did the beginning of class routine Mrs. Mandarino had us watch three different movies about lab safety, what to wear in the lab, what to do in case of an accident and proper behavior while conducting a lab. During the lab safety section, Mrs. Mandarino paused the movie occasionally to highlight the most important rules. While in the other sections, Mrs. M. paused the movie to share expierences she has had in the past being a student and a teacher.

Next, we went over the lab techniques sheet and Mrs. M showed us what each piece of lab equipment looked like that was on the sheet and what the purpose of each one was. These pieces of equipment were a thermometer, beaker, Bunsen burner, funnel, test tube, Erlenmeyer flask, ring stand and a graduated cylinder.

Finally, the last sheet we went over was the safety equipment. This sheet had a map of the classroom which included the lab tables and Mrs. M's desk. We had to label the fire extinguisher, main gas shut off, eye wash, fume hood, fire blanket, exits and the shower. As we filled the map out, Mrs. Mandarino showed where each one was in the classroom and what we were supposed to do with each one.

Meghan G